Your Voice Of Hope
Your financial support has always been the backbone of this ministry and continues to be. For that, we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing through you by praying and giving to this ministry.
During the past 12 months, Christian and non-Christian people have picked up over 2,000 Bibles and physical Bible resources from Faith 93.7 (Sound of Faith Broadcasting). Countless testimonies have been sent in from around the world expressing how thankful they are for Faith 93.7. There were people who thanked us for helping them get back into the Word of God, people who came to know Christ for the first time, people who relied on us to encourage them through challenges in marriage, and people who had little hope, had their hope renewed. This is only possible, because of YOU.
Will you prayerfully consider donating to Faith 93.7 and the Kingdom building work God has called us to?