The dogs that rebuild lives……..

Wanna join our family of volunteers?

Share your talent (IT, admin, fundraising, puppy raising). You’ll be rebuilding a life and gaining a life long family.

Schedule an Event

Do you want to fundraise for us? We can provide you with the tools to schedule your own event, from something active like a run or walk, to a tea party, paint party etc…….. we would love to hear your ideas – e-mail us

Thank you to our Sponsors:

Diamond Ambassador



Spending of funds is confined to Director approved programs and client/dog teams. Each restricted contribution designated towards a Board approved program or client /dog team will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or client/dog team has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Board, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or client/dog team will be used where needed most.

A website